Lawley Village Academy

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In school we consider Personal, Social and Health Education to be paramount. We use a scheme called SCARF which is a whole school approach. SCARF fulfills all the DFE statutory requirements, including those for Relationships and Health Education. The children have half termly units of work covering different themes, helping our children make healthy choices. These healthy choices are not just to do with diet, but to do with lifestyles, friendships, safety, self awareness and wellbeing.


Autumn 1- Me and My relationships

Autumn 2- Valuing difference

Spring 1- Keeping myself safe

Spring 2- Rights and responsibilities

Summer 1- Being my best

Summer2- Growing and changing


Included in the above is work which links to the DfE statutory requirements around relationships and sex education. The curriculum is intended to support the children in managing challenges and being able to lead successful adult lives. the curriculum has been designed to 

  • Help all children grow up healthy, happy and safe.
  • Give all children the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
  • Support all children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain.
  • Prepare all children for a successful adult lives.


We will help the children with building positive relationships with family, friends and online. All teaching will be age appropriate but children will explore what is a relationship, what is a friendship, what is a family and who they can look to for support. By the end of primary school the children will have been taught about the following in Relationships Education:

  • Family and people who care for them.
  • Caring friendships.
  • Respectful relationships.
  • Online relationships.
  • Being safe

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

We will help children to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing and help them to recognise issues in themselves and others. Children will be taught to seek support as early as possible when issues arise. By the end of primary school, the children will have been taught about he following in physical health and mental wellbeing:

  • Mental wellbeing.
  • Internet safety and harms.
  • Physical health and fitness.
  • Healthy eating.
  • Facts about drugs, alcohol and drugs and the risks
    associated with them.
  • Health and prevention of illness.
  • Basic first aid.
  • Changes to the adolescent body.


British Values are covered within scarf and supplemented with 'Picture News' topics and current affairs.

RSE consultation

Please find below a letter and accompanying information regarding our relationships and sex education consultation.

SCARF information for parents

SCARF - Lawley Village Long term planning

Letter to parents RE: consultation

Lawley Village Academy RSE policy 2021


The statutory guidance is clear in recognising that a parent/carer is a child’s primary educator in these matters. There are a many things you can do to support your child’s understanding and encourage them to ask questions. Here are some

  1. If you feel it is time to talk to your child about growing up and the changes they are likely to experience it’s best to offer it in small chunks, rather than do it in one go, often known as ‘The Talk’. This gives children time to digest the new information and ask you further questions as they develop more understanding.
  2.  If your child asks you questions try to stay calm, and not worry if you don’t know the answer. There are plenty of websites that you can use together to help you find the
    answers to their questions in a factual, honest, age appropriate way (see details below for resources on SCARF's website).
  3.  Use everyday opportunities to bring up the topic; things you see on TV or hear on the radio can be great conversation starters to talk about topics such as relationships, sex and body image. Reading books with your child is also a great way of introducing topics and helping children to understand themselves, their bodies and the world around them.
  4. If you do have family names for genitals, ensure your child also knows their scientific names too. Nobody likes to think their child is at risk of abuse, but knowing the correct
    words for their genitals will help them report abuse if it did ever happen.
  5. By showing your child that you are comfortable with them asking you questions now, you are helping to develop a relationship with them where they can seek your advice and support in their adolescent years.
  6. Visit the specially created Coram Life Education SCARF webpage for more information including a list of books and websites that will support both you and your child along with some activities you to support their learning.