Lawley Village Academy

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The school day currently begins at 8.45am. The school gates are opened at 8.35 am and children and parents can enter through the gates on the carpark. Teachers are on the class doors each morning. 

Registration closes at 8.45am and lessons begin.  Lunch is between 12-1pm and the school day closes at 3.15pm

A school typically consists of Phonics/Guided Reading, English and Maths in the morning with other curriculum subjects planned into the afternoon.

Assemblies are held on a Monday (PSHE / British Values), Tuesday (Singing) and Friday (celebration assembly). Regular class reflection times happen daily.


Wrap Around Care

We run wrap around care on the school grounds. Breakfast club is on offer so children can be dropped off from7.45am and given a breakfast.

School offers various extra-curricular after school clubs for the children to attend. A list is generated each term with a selection of  clubs to further develop individual talents and skills. These clubs run from 3.15pm to 4.15pm

After school, our children are also able to attend Treetops wrap-around care provision from 3:15pm - 6:00pm. Please see our 'Wrap Around Care' tab for more information.